Diversity Activity Surveys

LAESE - Longitudinal Assessment of Engineering Self-Efficacy
Undergraduate Engineering Mentor Surveys
Undergraduate Engineering Mentee Surveys
Undergraduate PDQ Surveys

Undergraduate PDQ Surveys

Description | What do the instruments measure? | Sample Survey Items | Can the instruments be modified? | When is it best to administer the surveys? | IRB approval | Using the Results | Download the Instruments

Downloads: PDQ Leader Survey | PDQ Participant Survey| Instrument Instructions


The Undergraduate PDQ instruments are designed for undergraduate activities where time limitations or activity importance make rigorous assessment (e.g. using pre and post measures) impractical. PDQ stands for “pretty darn quick”, so named because you can use them for activities that you want to assess but don’t have the desire or time to do so more intensively.

AWE recognizes that your program activities vary in complexity, and criticality to achieving your mission. You still want to assess these activities, but perhaps you don’t want or need to do both pre and post assessments. The AWE PDQ instruments provide a way to gather predominantly formative assessment data on these activities.

There are two versions of the Undergraduate PDQ instruments.

Survey Instrument


When to Administer

PDQ Leader

Undergraduate student leaders for activities.

After student completes leadership activities.

PDQ Participant

Undergraduate student activity participants.

After student completes the activity.

AWE logo Recommends:

Refer to the Undergraduate Mentor or Mentee instruments to assess highly visible, highly resourced or extensive undergraduate mentoring activities or leadership activities with mentoring components. These allow for pre and post assessments and can provide more complete data appropriate for your most important program activities.

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What do the instruments measure?

Both versions of the undergraduate PDQ instruments gather data on the extent to which respondents participated in the activity, their goals, and feedback from the leaders or participants on their impressions of the activity, their satisfaction with the activity, and their suggestions for how it could be improved.

AWE logo Recommends:

To gather data on whether the activity met its intended objectives, use an AWE instrument such as the Undergraduate Mentor or Mentee instrument. These instruments measure more than formative feedback and have versions for pre and post activity data collection.

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Sample Survey Items

The following item gathers formative data in a forced response format that provides for easy data analysis.

survey example

There are also open-ended items for gathering further feedback.

survey example

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Can the instruments be modified?

The PDQ instruments have items that are customizable so that you can make them appropriate for your activities. To find out which items are customizable and how to change them, download the instrument instructions at the bottom of this web page.

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When is it best to administer the surveys?

Both PDQ instruments are designed to be administered following the student’s participation as either a leader or an activity participant.

Both instruments take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Ideally you would take time to collect these student assessments during the last session of the activity.

AWE logo Recommends:

Before collecting any data using AWE instruments, we strongly suggest you obtain IRB approval.

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Does this instrument require me to get Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval?

Contact the IRB at your institution - they must answer this question for you. As with all AWE instruments, a complete review and approval from your institution’s Institutional Review Board may be required prior to implementation of this survey. A good rule of thumb is that if you any data that will be reported outside your organization, you need IRB approval.

IRB requires that when you administer surveys, you must educate participants about possible risks and benefits involved in taking surveys, obtain their consent before involving them in your research and keep them informed about how data will be used. This is called the "informed consent process."
Visit The Institutional Review Board (IRB) Process page for more information about the informed consent process and to see examples of informed consent documents.

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Using the Results

The instruments contain predominantly "formative" items - that is items designed to help you improve this activity. You may use the survey results in the following ways.

  • Activity improvement:
    • Examine results of items that address participant satisfaction and suggestions to help redesign the activity for maximum impact.
    • Compare the results of the pre and post surveys to see whether the activity is meeting its intended objectives and adjust activity based on the degree to which the activity is meeting these objectives
  • Report to your stakeholders
    • Use instrument results as authoritative sources of evidence for funding support and other administrative reporting.
  • Link the assessment data you collect with these instruments with the activity participation tracking features available in the AWE ADAPT tracking database software.

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Download the Instruments




Developed by The Pennsylvania State University and University of Missouri
Funded by The National Science Foundation (HRD 0120642 and HRD 0607081)